Found or created by an American. Ralph Nelson Elliott, was born on July
28, 1871 Marysville, United States. His career as professional
accountants make Elliot familiar with data, figures, and statistics. It
is also that ultimately makes Elliott found a price movement analysis
system (stock, forex, etc) that is currently very popular among traders
. The theory invented by Elliot this is not so in the day/month or year. But has spent most of the time in her life (75 years).
This analysis system (theory) is now known as the ' Elliott Wave ',
which was published in the title of The book ' The Wave ' Principal.
Broadly speaking Elliot suggests that ' stocks, the market was allegedly
behaving erratic or chaotic, but no '. More Elliot found that the
pattern of trading in the market always moves in a recurring cycle.
Price swings up and down caused by the collective psychology of traders
and swing it by Elliott called the ' Wave ' or waves, and interesting
reply Elliot stated that this wave will repeat in the same patterns, and
he's confident when you are able to identify the wave then you can
predict where the next price direction.
What is advanced by
Elliot is no doubt made traders particularly interested. With this
theory seems very easy for traders to see dots where prices are probably
the most expensive position or cheap, or in other words, it allows
traders to capture information Summit and base
. Up here, what's on your mind?
, do you? If this theory is correct, as will the money already awaits in front of your eyes?
Pull the breath in deeply, no need to suppose, the point, this will add
to your insights, of course, and it's worth we know well.
Well, let's start learning Elliott Wave
Before you go deeper, we first have to know first what is advanced
Elliott about Fractals. Fractal is also commonly used in the world of
mathematics and known as "the semblance of self/self-similarity."
So Fractals is a structure, where in the structure can be divided into
several smaller sections that have properties very similar to the
a whole. Elliot strongly emphasized the role of Fractals, why?
Elliot stated that each wave Elliott are Fractals, and they can be divided into waves smaller Eliiott.
Still confused with Fractals? A simple parable and real this is, and
can You find around you, sea shells are Fractals, Lightning, clouds,
even snow flakes is also the fractals.
Elliott stated
that the market trend moving in yg will have a wave pattern, which he
calls with a wave pattern 5-3. Where the wave 5 (first phase) will be
followed by waves of 3 to the next phase. Let's discuss one by one
Wave pattern 5-3
5 wave pattern is called wave Impulse (Impulse
Wave), the wave is divided into 5 wave model and each mentioned by
number and sequence.
Analisa Teknikal Dengan Teori Elliot Wave
Ditemukan atau diciptakan oleh seorang berkebangsaan Amerika. Ralph Nelson Elliot,
lahir pada tanggal 28 Juli 1871 Marysville, Amerika. Karirnya
sebagai akuntan profesional membuat Elliot terbiasa dengan data, angka,
dan statistik. Hal ini pula yang pada akhirnya membuat Elliott menemukan sistem analisa pergerakan harga(saham, forex, dsb) yang sekarang ini sangat populer dikalangan para trader.
Teori yang ditemukan oleh Elliot ini bukan jadi dalam sehari/bulan atau
tahun. Namun telah menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu dalam hidupnya(75 Tahun).
Sistem analisa ini(teori) sekarang dikenal dengan 'Elliot Wave', yang
diterbitkan dalam judul buku 'The Wave Principal'. Secara garis besar
Elliot mengemukakan bahwa 'Saham, pasar diduga berperilaku kacau atau tidak menentu, padahal Tidak'. Lebih lanjut Elliot menemukan bahwa pola perdagangan di pasar selalu bergerak dalam siklus yang berulang.
Ayunan harga ke atas dan kebawah disebabkan oleh kumpulan psikologi
kolektif dari trader dan ayunan ini oleh Elliott disebut dengan 'Wave'
atau gelombang, dan yg menarik Elliot menyatakan bahwa gelombang ini akan berulang dalam pola-pola yang sama, dan dia yakin bila Anda mampu mengidentifikasi gelombang maka Anda dapat memprediksi kemana arah harga selanjutnya.
Apa yang dikemukakan oleh Elliot ini tak ayal membuat para trader
sangat tertarik. Dengan teori ini seakan sangat mudah bagi trader untuk
melihat titik-titik dimana harga kemungkinan di posisi paling mahal atau
murah, atau dengan kata lain, hal ini memungkinkan trader untuk menangkap informasi puncak dan dasar.
Sampai disini, apa yang ada di pikiran Anda? Percayakah Anda?
Jika teori ini benar, seakan akan uang sudah menanti didepan mata Anda?
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, gak perlu berandai-andai, intinya, hal ini
akan menambah wawasan Anda tentunya, dan tak ada salahnya kita
mengetahuinya dengan baik.
Baik, mari kita mulai belajar Elliott Wave.
Sebelum masuk lebih dalam, pertama kita harus mengenal dulu dengan apa dikemukakan Elliott tentang Fractals. Fractal juga umum digunakan di dunia matematika dan dikenal dengan "kemiripan diri /
Jadi Fractals adalah suatu struktur, dimana dalam struktur
tersebut dapat dibagi dalam beberapa bagian lebih kecil yang memiliki
sifat sangat mirip dengan keseluruhannya.
Elliot sangat menekankan peranan dari Fractals, mengapa?
Elliot menyatakan bahwa setiap gelombang Elliott adalah
Fractals, dan mereka dapat dibagi dalam gelombang-gelombang Eliiott yang
lebih kecil.
Masih bingung dengan Fractals? Perumpamaan yang sederhana dan nyata adalah, dan ini bisa Anda temukan di sekitar Anda, Kerang laut adalah Fractals, Petir, Awan, bahkan serpihan salju juga merupakan fractals.
Elliott menyatakan bahwa Pasar yg bergerak dalam tren akan
memiliki pola gelombang, yang dia sebut dengan pola gelombang 5-3.
Dimana gelombang 5(fase pertama) akan diikuti dengan gelombang 3 untuk
fase berikutnya. Mari kita bahas satu persatu
Pola Gelombang 5-3
Pola Gelombang 5 disebut gelombang Impulse ( Impulse Wave), Gelombang ini dibagi menjadi 5 model gelombang dan disebutkan masing-masing dengan angka dan berurutan.
correction. The meaning of each wave: Wave
1: the price of making the initial upward movement. This is usually caused by a small number of people (for various reasons, whether real or imagined) feel that the prices are cheap so this is a great time to buy. This causes the price to go up.
Wave 2: at this point, pretty much the guy who wrote the original was already in the original wave (ride) are considering the price is already too high and take advantage. Result in the price moves down.
Wave 3: this wave is usually the longest and strongest. In this phase the stock has attracted much public attention. Result in increasingly price soar, usually the price will soar higher than at the time of the wave 1.
Wave 4: in this phase, some people do take action Fortunately, and felt the price was expensive. But there are some people still feel that reply still in the price rise (bullish), so this wave tends to still weak.
Wave 5: this is the phase where the rates are too high for collectible/purchased, and the reply is able to make the prices keep going up is because of the sheer hysteria.
Please note that the length of the wave is not always talk exactly in accordance with the existing comparison on the image, it can be longer or shorter, it's natural.
ABC correction Next Elliott wave pattern that lays out 5 above will be followed by wave 3, the pattern ABC correction. Look at the picture below

According to Elliott, there are 21 ABC correction patterns ranging from the simple to the most complex. Wah repot Yes if there are 21 to sort, gimana cara menghapalkannya. Luckily Elliot is already simplifying and formulated into a pattern that is much more simple and easy to understand and looking back. So what kind of patterns of the correction:
1. Formation of the ZIG-ZAG

Zig-zag formation move very sharply in price as opposed to the dominant trend. Wave B is normally shorter compared to Wave A and c. zig-zag Patterns can occur twice or even three times in a phase of correction.
2. Flat Formation

formation of Flat like the wave formed yg move towards the side, the length of each wave is generally the same. The difference in length is usually not too large.
3. Triangles Formation

This formation to move against the trend and consists of a 5 wave moving towards the side. While the dimensions of the slope can fall, narrowing or expanding.
The surge in Such
Surge at the beginning of the discussion above, the mention of fractals, namely the structure of the reply can be broken down in smaller parts that have patterns similar to the structure as a whole. And this is true also on Elliot wave theory. You will find the wave 5 or 3 smaller in a wave pattern. See illustration picture below:

From the picture we can see that on the wave 1 3 5, inside there are pattern 5, and from wave 2 4, therein lies the pattern ABC correction (wave 3). Well here we are more easy to imagine where the meaning of Fractal like yg is meant. Elliot emphasizes that there is always a little more waves of every wave, and this pattern is always repeating.
Elliot wave scale divided into:
* Grand Supercycle Supercycle
Primary Cycle * Intermediate *
* Minor Minutes
* Sub-Minuette Minuette
Of the largest Grand Supercycle yg yg to the smallest Sub Minuette
well, let's see how the implementation and realization of the price of the real and actual reply. Look at the picture below.

The image above shows the perfect cycle 1 of the Elliott wave, i.e. the pattern 5-3 followed by ABC correction pattern. Indeed seen that there are preconceived waves in wave 3 is not perfect, for example, there is a slight correction in it. But yeah like that in real life.
For you, still not used to it. Read forms/patterns may be very difficult. But if you practice and familiarize you will quickly identify and not as hard as imaginable.
A little Tip so that it is easier in reading the wave pattern:
* Wave 3 must be longer when compared with waves 1 and 5
* Wave 2 will not move fall or smaller under the initial wave 1
* Wave 4 will not move until the fall at the end of the wave 1