This is Forex World
There is no one who is born into this world with has the ability of
investment in him. All ability to invest with the birth of the learning
process consistently and directional. Advantage never fell out of the
sky on its own.
Some people open a real account without sufficient practice time just because they make a profit several times in their demo account! We will learn later what it is a demo account and why it is important. A clear, open a real account without practicing with the same good fight without carrying weapons.
that is a suicide !!
To that end, learn Forex understand the need for an appropriate education module and directional for all beginners in learning forex trading. Thus expected the beginner forex is no longer confused and ask, "where should I start My forex lessons?
Yes, of course Your best place to learn is in school. We spent almost
1/3 the time of our lives with the school. Now, if there are schools for
doctors, engineers, architects, and many more. Then the school is right
for you and I to learn forex trading Forex School Yes. There has been
no school name. Still generic. So we call this School learn Forex.
Established online by the Foundation (also online) Forex-privatelearning. HA
... HA ... HA ... So far it is not a Forex Learning Foundation kok. Our
only website. But we believe, through a website we can help many people
in the trade. Surely the website credible and serious progress against
your forex trading
. OK, enough already prided himself. Regarding costs, the good news Forex school We charge absolutely free aliases. Let's say this is a special school of presidential instruction village left aka IDT, hihihi. Not a dozen millions, tens of millions, hundreds of thousands, or tens of thousands.
free!! You are also not required to buy anything from learn Forex. Everything is totally free. Yes of course we are very inviting if you wish to purchase a Forex learning products or open a real account together learn Forex. Learn Forex guarantees the money you spend will not come out with
. Each module is designed to make ordinary people understand the concept of trading. Starting from the macro picture forex investments up to the smallest detail. Enter the higher levels, you will be given a more profound knowledge about psychology and money management forex
. Do not disconnect your forex school in the middle of the road! Keep on the basis of the sequence, do not jump around and consistent study. Each class did have to pass though sometimes tedious.
OK, here goes our forex class divisions. The class will be divided into 4 levels.
1. Sitting Duck,
in the first level named the Sitting Duck Class. Here you
will learn the basics of public investment and a little understanding of
forex. This class is intended for those of you who are still very much a
layman in the investment world.
About why we call "Sitting Duck" it's because the newbie is still classified as a novice investor can become an easy target of various types of fraud and market volatility. The forex market is not yet fit for the "sitting duck". They are the people who see the world investment solely on the profit without knowing they're there in an area that is dangerous and there are ' predatory ' lurking. The danger in the form of the risk of market and the fact that the investment world is of course equal to other business world that is inside there are good people and bad people who are looking for prospective prey.
2.Walking Lamb,
A second class named "Walking Lamb". It is estimated you can already
start running and no longer sits like a duck (easy target). Sheep can
recognize the Wolf and can depart from them toward a safer place. But
nevertheless the Lamb remains a sheep. A sheep running remains a sheep.
Don't have enough ability to avoid enemy Munich let alone respond. Learn
more things about forex advance here. You have already begun entering
forex from the practical side and no longer offend the basic concept
which is actually just a quite note and no longer needed as you begin
active trading.
3.Running Pig,
The next class is called "Running Pig." Yup, the pig that ran. Rather
vulgar indeed but most forex traders get caught here. A pig can be ran
with the fast but hard to turn and not completely agile in flight. Fast
indeed, but do not have enough ability to see what is happening in front
of them. So do most traders in effect like this. They contended with
knowing this theory and it as well as the theory is proven several times
in the past, they feel they have found a key true from actual trading
and then entered in real trading with mem'babi ' blind. The forex market
is full of graves of traders like this.
4.Hunting Fox,
Well here it is the last class of our forex journey, "Fox Hunting"! No rush but by no means timid. Bold but not reckless. Know when it's time to enter and attack, when it's time out and when it's time still and continue to lurk patiently. Not idealistic but realistic. Rapidly changing following the market movements and making ingeniously with the market as their prey. Hunting may be dangerous but they have prepared everything possible that could happen so they are worth mentioning fox hunting. There are not many who can reach this stage, i.e. those who trade and gain profit from the market consistently.
Some people open a real account without sufficient practice time just because they make a profit several times in their demo account! We will learn later what it is a demo account and why it is important. A clear, open a real account without practicing with the same good fight without carrying weapons.
that is a suicide !!
To that end, learn Forex understand the need for an appropriate education module and directional for all beginners in learning forex trading. Thus expected the beginner forex is no longer confused and ask, "where should I start My forex lessons?

. OK, enough already prided himself. Regarding costs, the good news Forex school We charge absolutely free aliases. Let's say this is a special school of presidential instruction village left aka IDT, hihihi. Not a dozen millions, tens of millions, hundreds of thousands, or tens of thousands.
free!! You are also not required to buy anything from learn Forex. Everything is totally free. Yes of course we are very inviting if you wish to purchase a Forex learning products or open a real account together learn Forex. Learn Forex guarantees the money you spend will not come out with
. Each module is designed to make ordinary people understand the concept of trading. Starting from the macro picture forex investments up to the smallest detail. Enter the higher levels, you will be given a more profound knowledge about psychology and money management forex
. Do not disconnect your forex school in the middle of the road! Keep on the basis of the sequence, do not jump around and consistent study. Each class did have to pass though sometimes tedious.
OK, here goes our forex class divisions. The class will be divided into 4 levels.
1. Sitting Duck,

About why we call "Sitting Duck" it's because the newbie is still classified as a novice investor can become an easy target of various types of fraud and market volatility. The forex market is not yet fit for the "sitting duck". They are the people who see the world investment solely on the profit without knowing they're there in an area that is dangerous and there are ' predatory ' lurking. The danger in the form of the risk of market and the fact that the investment world is of course equal to other business world that is inside there are good people and bad people who are looking for prospective prey.
2.Walking Lamb,

3.Running Pig,

4.Hunting Fox,
Well here it is the last class of our forex journey, "Fox Hunting"! No rush but by no means timid. Bold but not reckless. Know when it's time to enter and attack, when it's time out and when it's time still and continue to lurk patiently. Not idealistic but realistic. Rapidly changing following the market movements and making ingeniously with the market as their prey. Hunting may be dangerous but they have prepared everything possible that could happen so they are worth mentioning fox hunting. There are not many who can reach this stage, i.e. those who trade and gain profit from the market consistently.